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The pictures were not taken well! But the clothes are very good!
It's the best BLCG I've ever seen!158 sir Exclusive Sale!All fabrics and accessories are individually customized!
All over the world! The best BLCG!99.99% restore Genuine!
Normal selling price 200+yuan
BLCG 24秀款 火焰涂鸦字母logoT恤
工艺说明:袖子以及下摆走线细腻 采用双压线工艺 领口以及肩部线条运用明线工艺 走线平直 百分百采用纯棉毛精梳棉面料 手感柔软舒适 前后logo采用复古做旧的涂鸦印花效果 配色大胆创新但又不失经典元素 视觉效果超好 与ZP保持一致
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